Money Management


Financial Literacy for People with Disabilities

Next workshop starts August 1, 2024. Register today!

Access Living’s money management classes are geared toward people with disabilities who want to improve their credit, learn to budget, and save for the future. Students who complete the workshop series receive certificates of completion and small stipends!

What you’ll learn:

Purple graphic with white text, illustration of calculator, and pictures of Carleda Johnson and Zach Milligan, the money management workshop instructors. Text reads, "10 week money management workshop for people with disabilities: Learn about credit and how to budget, start to fix your credit, set and attain financial goals, receive a GIFT CARD upon workshop completion!" Under the pictures of Carleda and Zach is their contact information: "Carleda Johnson, 312-640-2159," "Zach Milligan, 312.640.2199,"

Participants learn to take control over their personal finances and establish practices for long-term money management such as:

  • How to create a budget
  • Understanding what credit is, how it works, and your personal credit score
  • How to repair, raise, and/or maintain a healthy credit score
  • How to set and attain financial goals
  • Access Living works with community partners that offer easy-to-access checking accounts for any participants with minimal or no bank account.

All participants receive a GIFT CARD upon workshop completion!

Get on the list for the next workshop series

About the workshops:

  • Participants must be City of Chicago residents
  • Each Money Management Workshop is 10 weeks long.
  • Students meet in person every week for 10 weeks
    • *NOTE: Participants cannot miss more than two classes
  • Workshop sessions take place on Thursdays from 1 – 3PM

Workshop Sessions Week by Week

Week OneFinancial Freedom: What Does it Mean?
Week TwoMaking Financial Decisions: How Emotional and Cultural Influences Shape How We Spend
Week ThreeBank Accounts: Our Options and Their Benefits
Week FourCredit: Using it Wisely
Week FiveBudgets: Why and How to Track Our Income and Expenses
Week SixFinancial Goals: The Benefits to Saving Money and Setting Financial Goals
Week SevenCredit Reports: What Are They? Why are They Important?
Week EightCredit Cards: An Introduction
Week NineGuest Speaker: Fraud Prevention
Week TenWork Supports and ABLE: Final Test

Questions about workshop sessions? Contact one of the Financial Literacy instructors Carleda or Zach!

To attend, please contact one of the class leaders listed below, or fill out the Class Contact form.


Carleda Johnson

Independent Living Skills Coordinator

(312) 640-2159


Zach Milligan

Financial Literacy Coordinator

(312) 640-2199

Class Contact Form

Money Management Class Form
I would like more information about the following (select all that apply):
What is your preferred method of communication?