PA Training @Harold Washington Library


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PA Training @Harold Washington Library

March 4, 2024 @ 12:00 PM 2:30 PM

400 S. State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Become a Paid Personal Assistant for People with Disabilities

Access Living provides training for people interested in becoming a paid Personal Assistant for people with disabilities. These trainings are open to members of the public as well as the family members of people with disabilities. If you provide care for a loved one with a disability you may qualify for wages by becoming a registered PA!

Schedule training:

If you would like to be scheduled for a training, contact a Personal Assistant Training Coordinator. Due to COVID-19 safety measures, there are a limited number of seats per training. Contact a Personal Assistant Training Coordinator to reserve your spot.

Please bring the following items to your training session:

  1. Photo ID (Driver’s License or State ID)
  2. Social Security Card
  3. Resume and three professional references
  4. Certified Nursing Assistant Certificate (if applicable)
  5. Face mask that covers both your nose and mouth
  6. (Optional) Proof of COVID-19 vaccination

About the Program

PAs are hired directly by a person with disabilities, not by Access Living. This means you will be employed directly by the person you’re hired to support. In many cases, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS/IDRS) serves as the fiscal agent, which means that they will pay you. Access Living is not responsible for payment or regulation of payment.

Our program is for training only. We are not a personal assistant hiring agency.

(312) 640-2184