Plow the Sidewalks Pilot Program Interactive Tool


Ok, so HOW do we #PlowTheSidewalks?

Proposed Pilot Program

In order to make #PlowTheSidewalks a reality, we propose that the Chicago City Council first approve a snow clearance pilot program. This pilot program will allow the City to to assess logistical and operational nuances of a municipal snow clearance program prior to citywide service.

Program Parameters:

Proposed Pilot Areas/Zones – We propose the pilot encompass six zones in different city neighborhoods, with each zone spanning approximately 2.5 square miles of both city and residential streets. 15 potential neighborhood zones can be viewed as a map here. Zones would cross both ward and neighborhood boundaries and dispersed across the city. Zones cannot be isolated to one region of the city.

“Where should we try sidewalk plowing first?”

Developed by Ashley Asmus, this interactive tool uses a people-centered and data-driven approach that allows us to design pilot zones that keep equity at the forefront, while still taking into account the wide breath of neighborhoods and populations the Plow the Sidewalks program will ultimately need to service. By factoring in age, income, density, disability, and other variables, these pilots zones will give us a real understanding of the operational needs required for universal expansion, and allow us to showcase the strength of the initiative when introduced in a broad range of communities.

Visiting this page on mobile device? Go straight to the mobile version of the app.

Ashley Asmus is a researcher focused on transportation, equity and social behavior. She is currently a consultant at RSG. 

Pilot Program Interactive Tool
